Fox Red Labrador Retrievers

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Pheasant Ridge Ranch

Shirley-Richard Labrador Litter 2015

Date Whelped:  November 15, 2015
Sire Dam
Registered Name: Int. Ch. Richard’s Trial by Jury Registered Name: Shirley’s Trial by Jury
Nickname: Richard Nickname: Shirley
Birth Date: 11-04-2009 Birth Date:  12-31-2007
richmain 2
View Pedigree Richard’s Trial By Jury View Pedigree Shirley’s Trial By Jury
Back in 2012, I bred Shirley and Richard and there was only one puppy in the litter.  He has developed into an excellent deer shed antler hunter and companion.  I have been waiting for a repeat litter of puppies from both of them since 2013.  This is Shirley’s last litter of pups and she sure produced some great representatives of the breed!  Shirley is a hard working Retriever and all of her puppies in the past have trained easily and developed into great Labradors.  This litter is both boxy and bulky with that true Labrador otter tail.  They are deep, dark red pups with great personalities. There is no questions they will easily work to please you.  Their strong noses awake them from a deep. Put that nose to wrk in the fields! WOW!  We will keep a female to continue Shirley and Richard’s lines in litters we plan to have in the future!
Fox Red Litter Born on November 15, 2015

All of the puppies are SOLD

5 Males & 2 Females

All Puppies sell for $1,500

Shirley-Richard Litter 2015

Litter Certificate Shirley:Richard 2015

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