Fox Red Labrador Retrievers

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German Shorthair Pointers

A dog so well trained it deserves its own shotgun

Registered Name: Gretchen’s Trial By Jury
Nickname: Gretchen
Birth Date:  05-22-2010   Died:  03-23-2018
DNA Profile: V664494





Gretchen’s AKC, 5 generation pedigree was loaded with 17 NFC, FC or DC champions.  It really shows she came from a good combination of German Shorthaired Pointers that were successful field trial competitors and strong, hunting dogs.  We began training Gretchen when she was 8 weeks old and it sure was easy.  She developed into an exceptional, hard working German Shorthair with a very strong nose.  She ranged close, held her point and retrieved with ease and did it all with a very strong will to please the hunters.  Sadly, her life ended early, but we have many memories of her efforts on so many hunts.  She has left a very large empty space in our kennel and our hearts.  



DC”s Dandy Deuce
View Pedigree Dam:
Blazin Bella Rose

Click on thumbnails for more information.
