Fox Red Labrador Retrievers

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German Shorthair Pointers

A dog so well trained it deserves its own shotgun

Registered Name: Jane’s Trial By Jury
Nickname: Jane
Birth Date:  12-07-05





Jane comes from an AKC pedigree loaded with champions on both sides of her pedigree that date back 6 generations. There are 58 champions with NFC, AFC, FC and with some combinations of titles. These accomplishments of her ancestors is evident in Jane. She is a perfect representative of the build, temperament and drive that exceptional German Shorthaired Pointers have. Jane has a very good ranging pattern with good distance in the field. She has a very strong nose and works well with other dogs. She hunts hard and strong and does it to please the hunters. Training Jane has been easy and rewarding. She is a real jewel in rough fields! Jane had a litter with George and the pups, Addie and Jodie have developed into great hunters like their parents. They are performing well.

Dale’s Trial By Jury
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Mildred’s Trial By Jury
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