Fox Red Labrador Retrievers

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German Shorthair Pointers

A dog so well trained it deserves its own shotgun

Registered Name: Haley’s Trial By Jury
Nickname: Haley
Birth Date:  05-21-05

Deceased: 09-17- 2013




Haley came from our Millie and Dale Litter 2005 and was born in our home. Her AKC pedigree strength was proven. She and her brother, Jack both displayed the hunting strengths of their parents and are great German Shorthaired Pointers in every hunting effort. Haley had refined hunting skills and high energy in the fields. She had a great nose, ranged close and was attentive to commands. She hunted well with other dogs and was so ready to retrieve. We were thankful she was with us and very saddened at her death.


Dale’s Trial By Jury
View Pedigree Dam:
Mildred’s Trial By Jury

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