Fox Red Labrador Retrievers

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Pheasant Ridge Ranch

Current Litters of Puppies

Date Whelped: 10-10-2003

Sire Dam
Registered Name: Dan’s Trial By Jury
Registered Name: Mildred’s Trial By Jury
Nickname: Dan Nickname:Millie
Birth Date: 07-07-2002 Birth Date: 09-02-1999
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Millie’s pedigree is loaded with National Field Trial Champions as well as Field Trial Champions.  She was an exceptional hunter, trained easily and never forgot what she had been taught.  She roamed the field with diligence and seemed to cover every foot as she ranged close .  Her nose was strong and her energy was focused on finding birds and pleasing the hunters.  She worked well with other dogs, backed and honored other dogs on point and easily retrieved dead birds.  We are thankful she had this litter of three pups.  We kept Heidi’s Trial By Jury as part of our kennel.
Millie Dan Litter 2003