Current Litters
Alana & Edward Labrador Litter 2018
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This is Lana’s first litter and they are very dark fox red pups! Edward, imported from England, is a great hunter and his coat deepened in color as he matured. Lana is as dark as her mother, Shirley, an excellent hunter, and these pups are looking great! There is great promise in this breeding with the addition of new fox red blood lines from England to the strong historical fox red lines in Lana’s pedigree. These pups could be hunters and/or excellent companions. There is great promise that they will be easy to train and willing to please, just like their parents are!
Puppies Born December 26, 2018
All are deep, dark Fox Red
2 Males & 4 Females All pups are SOLD
Puppies shown at 7 weeks old
Puppies shown at 4 weeks old
If you are interested in a pup and would like to make a deposit, please complete our Questionnaire and/or Contact us.